Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Roy is responding well to the insulin injections!!!!! I am SO grateful to the Lord! He is getting relief from the agonizing pain he suffers with the neuropathy in his feet and hands! He is even considering reduce the amount of pain medication he takes! I am so glad to have and know a merciful and compassionate God. Roy is beginning to be more of his self everyday. It is so nice to see and have my 'ole Roy back. He doesn't appear to be in agony and is sleeping well. He is not falling asleep on the couch every night and is laughing and joking again! He also is not scowling anymore! Praise the Lord!

My knee is doing better! I have not worked at the YMCA for 4 weeks and I think the non-activity has allowed it to heal. On 11/26, I will start to teach swim lessons on Monday afternoons. I think that is going to be fun. I am a little worried about my knee but I think being in the pool will be MUCH easier on it!!!! We shall see!

My job at US Bank is going okay! I think the hours will work our good for us & the people I work with seem to be very nice. That is a blessing. I have been doing on-line teller training and IT IS BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hopeful that I will be on a drawer today. I am scheduled to work this Saturday (11/24) and my "anxiety meter" is rising since I have not been on a teller window yet. I reckon I will be "flying by the seat of my pants" on Saturday--it feels like I do that a lot!

Eric and Lenise are still coming for Christmas! But they will be here longer than they first figured!!! I am very excited and hopeing that it will snow. Neither Lenise or Eric have been exposed to much of the "white stuff" so I am hopeing it will be A LOT! As of today, they will be here in 28 days and we have no snow!!!!

Update on our friend Keith: he has completed radiation and starts chemo today. I talked to him Sunday and he said he feels really good. We are grateful for God's mercy as he is not suffering too much. Thanks for remembering he and Kay in your prayer--please continue.

HALLELUJAH! God's mercies are new every morning!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Good news!

God is GOOD!

So much has occured since our last entry:

1--Roy had trouble with his kidneys shutting down. It was very serious and he was NOT doing well. A couple things came into play: the doctor adjusted his medications & sent him to a kidney specialist AND I asked for family and friends to pray. Praise the Lord! Yesterday, the kidney specialist reported that all the test and ultrasounds show everything is normal, some of his test results are even better than normal!!!!!! Roy is going to start insulin therapy for diabetes very soon. Due to the kidney issue, his sugar numbers have been high and all over the charts--not good-- and he doesn't feel well because of it. Now that God touched his kidneys, the doctor is addressing this. We are glad!!!! GOD IS GOOD!

2--I injuried my knee while working at the Y. An MRI showed no damage but there is A LOT of pain. So I am doing physical therapy and take medicines. The doctor does not want to do surgery yet so please pray for me--it is very painful. And I miss working at the Y.

3--I have gotten a part-time teller job at US Bank. Monday thru Friday 10:30 -- 2:30. Just started yesterday. I think it will be okay. More on that later.

4--ERIC AND LENISE ARE COMING FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! I am beyond excited and have started counting the days!!!!! (40) YEEEEEHHAAAW!

5--Finally, I am requesting prayer for our good friends, Keith and Kay Zimmerman. (That is a picture of the four of us!) Keith has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He has started radiation treatments for 3 weeks followed by chemotherapy immediately there after. They plan to attack it agressively. Please pray for Keith and Kay, their kids and families, that God will hold them tightly as they walk this path together and with Him.


Monday, September 24, 2007


Eric is home from "over there"!!!!! Praise the Lord! He got home last friday 9/21. He is sore and has allergy issues but other than that he is in one piece! Thank you for your prayers!!!!

It is week three at the YMCA and believe it or not--I am not as SORE!!!!! HURRAY!
I have learn basic football techiques and basic swim instructions. At least enough to look like I know what I am doing!!!!! I can also fake it very well! I am enjoy it alot too!

Bailey seems to be responding to the medication. I take her to the Vet tomorrow for a test to see if the dosage is correct. She seems to be her happy self more often. More when I know!

Roy is doing better. After the esophgus blockage scare a couple weeks ago, he is finally having a procedure this Friday 9/28 to see what is going on and to take out the blockage. Please pray on Friday. Also, GOOD NEWS! The doc took Roy off of anti-inflamatory drugs and his kidneys have responded POSITIVELY!!!!! Although his joints hurt but his kidneys are happy!


God is doing something!

God does some weird things!
We are being lead to attend St Anne's Church!!!! It is an Episcopal church. We have meet with several people -- some in leadership -- and we are amazed as to how this is not the typical Episcopal church! They believe in being filled with the Holy Spirit--even talk about Him in the services-- and salvation is the main goal. The youth have an altar call every week and people are giving their hearts to the Lord. The Sunday services still leave me feeling like a deer caught in headlights but we are getting used to it. Roy is involved in the Men's Bible Study, who meet weekly, studying a book on the Fruits of the Spirit and the Food Pantry. I am joining the choir and the Bell choir! In October, the Women's ministry will start a Bible study which I plan to be involved in and I am also helping with the Food Pantry.
Albeit it IS different--it is nice to look forward to going to Church and not be criticized!!!!
God does lead in ways much different from where you think things are going!!!!! Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wooo hoooo!

Well, this is my second week at the Y! I am really enjoying the classes and the kids but BOY HOWDY----I AM SORE!!!!!! This is much different in my 50's that it was in my 20's and 30's!!!!! WOW!

Roy and I are doing well. Hangin' in there will all the "stuff" we are dealing with. We are sad though--Bailey, our sweet Beagle, is sick with Cushing's Disease. Not sure what it really is but she seems to be aging swiftly. She starts meds today and will be in much better spirits in a few days. The Vet, Dr. Cheryl, says the average life expectancy is 2 years. I have been praying for her and believe that God cares for what we care for so He could heal her too!
The jewelry showthis past weekend, at my cuz, Dawn's home in Illinios, went great! Very well attended! I appreciate all Dawn did for me!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I got to see my Aunt Carmie too! I had not seen her in double digit years--IT WAS FANTASTIC! Next month my Aunt Eve and cuz Belinda are hosting another show in their home in Michigan for me.
I had forgotten what a great heritage I have and the people who love me and the history I have with these great people! I am very honored and humbled!

Monday, September 10, 2007


I taught my first class today at the YMCA!!!!!

Oh my! I am going to be sore tomorrow!!!!!


Monday, September 3, 2007

Please pray for Eric!

We received a call early this morning from Lenise, Eric's wife, that he has been deployed. We have a pretty good idea as to where--Roy and Eric have "cripted" conversations where Eric tells Roy alot. It is pretty cool how they have worked this out!!!!! Anyway, the world is such a mess right now and Eric is in the middle of it. PLEASE pray for his protection and for the rest of his team. Also, pray that this mission goes swiftly without incident so he can come home soon.

Love to all!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Big Summer News!

We traveled to Tampa, Florida this June. We went to DisneyWorld and explored Tampa. We stay at a vacation resort in Sarasota called Sun-N-Fun, which it was! Our good friend. Terry Ellis from Texas, was able to come and be with us for the week. Roy and I got to see our parents and siblings. I even got to see my cousin, Fred Hendrickson, who I had not seen in over 20 years and we got to see Roy's brother, Mark and his family, who we hadn't seen in 8 years! It was wonderful but the BEST thing was Eric's and Lenise's Wedding Ceremony! It was BEAUTIFUL! And they were so happy!
Here's a few pictures. Check out this link if you want to see all the wedding pictures. http://www.picturetampabay.smugmug.com/weddings
They both had a great time! Eric wore his dress uniform and Lenise's gown was probibly the most beautiful gown I had ever seen. It was one of the best times we have ever shared with our son and now his wonderful new wife!!!! We are blessed!!!

and life continues.........

We are doing well. Roy likes his job very much. He will be there one year next week. In case you didn't know--he is the Manager for the Home Health and Home Infusion department for Bellin Hospital in Green Bay. I believe it is the first time in a long time that he has really looked forward to going to work! His health is "holding it's own". He has discovered several homeopathic medicines that make the constant pain tolerable. Doesn't take it away--just makes it easier to live with.

I am starting to teaching swim lessons and gym classes to preschoolers at the Green Bay YMCA on September 10th. I am looking forward to it! More on that after I actually start!

Our biggest perplexing thing is searching for a Church home! The selection is very slim if you are not Catholic. We have visited many Churches and we have found one that we are going to return visit on this Sunday. It has many of the things we are looking for in a church home: a sense of family, stability, stong community outreaches, and a choir! (That is my requirement!) This church even has a bell choir! We will see! More later.

Keith and Kay came to visit us this month! It was SO VERY FANTASTIC!!!!! We miss them very much. It was almost like what I imagine heaven would be like!!!!! It gets very lonely here. It seems that the people that we had made friends with have moved away or moved on! (That's one reason we need a new church home--friends!)

Anyway--more later--I have to go mow the grass!!!!!
PS: If you want to see my jewelry blog, go to http://itsmecheri2098.blogspot.com/

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to our blog!
We wanted to share our life in Wisconsin with our family and friends--just so we can stay in touch. It gets lonely here sometimes and we long for our friends and family. Check back often. We will update frequently.
Love to all!!!!
Roy and Cheri