Monday, September 24, 2007


Eric is home from "over there"!!!!! Praise the Lord! He got home last friday 9/21. He is sore and has allergy issues but other than that he is in one piece! Thank you for your prayers!!!!

It is week three at the YMCA and believe it or not--I am not as SORE!!!!! HURRAY!
I have learn basic football techiques and basic swim instructions. At least enough to look like I know what I am doing!!!!! I can also fake it very well! I am enjoy it alot too!

Bailey seems to be responding to the medication. I take her to the Vet tomorrow for a test to see if the dosage is correct. She seems to be her happy self more often. More when I know!

Roy is doing better. After the esophgus blockage scare a couple weeks ago, he is finally having a procedure this Friday 9/28 to see what is going on and to take out the blockage. Please pray on Friday. Also, GOOD NEWS! The doc took Roy off of anti-inflamatory drugs and his kidneys have responded POSITIVELY!!!!! Although his joints hurt but his kidneys are happy!


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