Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Roy is responding well to the insulin injections!!!!! I am SO grateful to the Lord! He is getting relief from the agonizing pain he suffers with the neuropathy in his feet and hands! He is even considering reduce the amount of pain medication he takes! I am so glad to have and know a merciful and compassionate God. Roy is beginning to be more of his self everyday. It is so nice to see and have my 'ole Roy back. He doesn't appear to be in agony and is sleeping well. He is not falling asleep on the couch every night and is laughing and joking again! He also is not scowling anymore! Praise the Lord!

My knee is doing better! I have not worked at the YMCA for 4 weeks and I think the non-activity has allowed it to heal. On 11/26, I will start to teach swim lessons on Monday afternoons. I think that is going to be fun. I am a little worried about my knee but I think being in the pool will be MUCH easier on it!!!! We shall see!

My job at US Bank is going okay! I think the hours will work our good for us & the people I work with seem to be very nice. That is a blessing. I have been doing on-line teller training and IT IS BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hopeful that I will be on a drawer today. I am scheduled to work this Saturday (11/24) and my "anxiety meter" is rising since I have not been on a teller window yet. I reckon I will be "flying by the seat of my pants" on Saturday--it feels like I do that a lot!

Eric and Lenise are still coming for Christmas! But they will be here longer than they first figured!!! I am very excited and hopeing that it will snow. Neither Lenise or Eric have been exposed to much of the "white stuff" so I am hopeing it will be A LOT! As of today, they will be here in 28 days and we have no snow!!!!

Update on our friend Keith: he has completed radiation and starts chemo today. I talked to him Sunday and he said he feels really good. We are grateful for God's mercy as he is not suffering too much. Thanks for remembering he and Kay in your prayer--please continue.

HALLELUJAH! God's mercies are new every morning!

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